Increase your conversion rate with email marketing

by Juul
2 min read

It is highly likely that you are also approached via email marketing. This can include newsletters or product updates. Email marketing allows you or your company to be in direct contact with your customer. This direct contact makes it a valuable marketing tool. At Nxtlvl, we have selected the most important tips and tricks for email marketing for you!

Benefits of an online newsletter

Sending a newsletter via email has numerous benefits for an organization. We've compiled a brief list of reasons why it's smart to use email marketing.

Email marketing is:

  • Effective and inexpensive;
  • An easy way to maintain or build relationships with customers;
  • Conversion-boosting;
  • Data-driven marketing;
  • A means to communicate in your brand's style;
  • An easy way to draw attention to products and/or services;
  • A good way to stay visible to customers.

Do’s & Don’ts

Sending a newsletter can bring many benefits, but how can you make the most of it? We have compiled a list of do's and don'ts for you.


  • Include images;
  • Add a call-to-action button for each item;
  • Incorporate your brand's style into the newsletter;
  • Choose a tone of voice that aligns with your target audience;
  • Utilize an email marketing platform.


  • Avoid using excessive text to maintain the customer's attention.
  • Limit the frequency of newsletter deliveries to prevent overwhelming customers.
  • Ensure that there are no language errors
  • only send newsletters when there is valuable information to share.

We would be more than happy to assist you in putting the do's into practice and avoiding the don'ts. Feel free to contact us.


It is crucial to maintain the attention of your customers, but how often is too much? You certainly don't want your customers to unsubscribe from your newsletter.

The minimum frequency varies depending on the goal. If you want to inform your customers about the latest developments in your company, it's advisable to send your newsletter monthly. If you use email marketing to offer services and/or products on an irregular or seasonal basis, choose to send your newsletter 1 to 2 times per month.

If the offer and/or price of your product(s) change regularly, opt to send a weekly newsletter. However, be sure to vary the content to keep it interesting for the recipient.



There are numerous platforms that offer email marketing services. At We Make IT, we prefer to use Mailchimp or Spotler, of which we are official partners.

With these platforms, you can build email campaigns, specify customer lists with email addresses, create landing pages, sign-up forms, and analyze how your email campaigns are performing. Mailchimp's goal is to give your business a boost with its advanced but user-friendly options. The email marketing platform has multiple tools to make it easy for you to get to know your audience and choose the right audience for each email campaign.

Mailchimp's segmentation tools make it easy to send campaigns that are important to your target group. By segmenting, we mean dividing your audience into specific interests. With Spotler, you can take email marketing automation a step further by setting up various flows and action triggers.

If you need help with email marketing for your business or have any questions, Nxtlvl is here to assist you as a certified email marketing partner. 

Statistics on segmented campaigns:

Segmented campaigns have shown a 23% increase in open rates and a 49% increase in click-through rates compared to non-segmented campaigns.

With Spotler, you can take email marketing automation to the next level by setting up various flows and action triggers.If you need assistance with email marketing for your business or have any questions, Nxtlvl is here to help as a certified email marketing partner. Contact us to learn more about how email marketing can be utilized for your company.